We ended up in the woods - no surprise there - and continued on typical form with 1 ruined t-shirt, 2 injuries (none life threatening) and one incident where S fell over a wheelchair while carrying K. True story, made all the more embarrassing by the fact that said child in wheelchair actually belonged to friends of the friends we were with. Mortifying. But hey, these things happen. (Only to us though?)
Moors Valley is an amazing space. Absolutely huge and criss-crossed with cycle paths, the highlight for us is the play trail. Blending into the woodland are huge, diverse structures for climbing, dangling, crawling and running over.
I sometimes worry we spend too much time in woods as it seems to be a running theme but the diversity and opportunity is the draw. Yes we climb and wave sticks, but we also collect and observe and walk and breathe. I had a warm fuzzy moment when I found the boys sat cross legged, eyes closed, at the top of a climbing frame, with children zooming around and beneath them.
"What are you up to?" I called up.
You can learn a lot from your children.