Thursday, 5 November 2015

Firework Night

A quieter week. Just as we got a chance to (metaphorically) breathe after a fortnight of car accidents, boiler failures and eye-wateringly-expensive van services (AND my hair dryer broke - please send help), we have now all caught colds and so find physically breathing difficult.

First world problems. 

Despite the crippling agony of the common cold, a little extra time for me to plan goes a long way in terms of how much we get done in a day... and we're on fire today, which is useful as today is Bonfire Night.

Here's the afternoon topic plan : 

Starter : Bonfire Night mind map
Introduction : Firework safety quiz
Main : History, dates, key characters
Key learning point : Persecution then and now
Wind down : Firework poem
Plenary : Wordsearch
Follow up - the Firework Maker's Daughter story

Most importantly, the real fireworks are on Saturday!