Saturday, 21 May 2016

Making Fire

Loving these sunny days. We've found EHE to be the reverse of school in terms of work pattern : we get loads done when the sun is shining. The summer term is full to the brim with science experiments, reading and talking in the sunshine and outings to interesting places.

When I was teaching the summer term was the toughest - a room full of kids (and one teacher) who wanted to be outdoors but were trapped in a small, hot room together for hours on end. I miss an awful lot about teaching in a school, but not that.

So the sun is out and our pace picks up. We're motoring through literacy, science and maths and the boys are actively seeking out learning opportunities. At 8am this morning we were making potato stars because W wanted to set up an experiment about osmosis.

The other awesome thing about the sun, other than relying on it for life, is that it is actually interesting. The moon might be great for tides and werewolves but it's just a rock. The sun is super-hot, gassy and destroys things - what's not to love? Curriculum links are easy: from ancient Egyptians and their worship of Ra to space, chemistry and geography.

Nothing so fancy for us today, just a good bit of exploring how a magnifying glass works and testing out what burns (no ants harmed, obviously). Learning shouldn't be this fun.