Kicking off with our first topic - Home.
There's a movie to see to set the scene (it was pretty rubbish but K&W loved it), then work on houses through the ages and we designed and built awesome houses in Minecraft. A short, sweet topic to get the boys used to our new rhythm.
Every day we complete our maths exercises and I'm hoping to ramp spelling up to once a day (W not keen).
We're getting started so early, about 8am each day, as we've been freed from the uniform & teeth & shoes & bags nag-fest that blighted some days (notably Mondays!) This is having an unexpected impact in that we're finishing up by 1.30pm. By then, K&W are tired, they've achieved all their LOs and we're basically out of steam. Being virtually one on one means we crack on through material at a pace and they get none of the natural breathers that would happen in a classroom when you finish before the rest of your group/class, or understood the first time and zone out briefly while the teacher re-states. I wasn't expecting it to be so intense!
On the up side, it's letting us indulge in the traditional home school activities of free play in the afternoons (which means I can get caught up on essential jobs I'd usually have done in the morning). Everyone's a winner.
I've noticed K&W are both sleeping better.