Thursday, 23 April 2015

Into the Unknown

Well, that's that. We've done the paperwork and notified the school and the council. All that's left is to ensure that the boys are in full time education (but the rules don't specify a curriculum - that's entirely up to us). If we decide that the only vital education is Harry Potter not Maths and English then that's our look out as parents and we can teach an HP curriculum to our heart's content. We don't have to keep to set times or fulfil a fixed number of hours.

The flexibility is liberating and terrifying.

So what's our approach? Well we're pretty boring. I like the National Curriculum. It's tried and tested, it covers essential skills, and most importantly if you follow it then you know if the kids want to slot back into the mainstream then they haven't lost any ground. So that's what we're up to and I'm struggling to find my people.

I've met some lovely EHE (Elective Home Ed to those in the know) parents. A pattern is emerging: most seem to have rejected traditional schooling because they hold a negative view of it. Either their childrens' needs weren't met or they feel traditional schooling stifles creativity and places too much focus on tests.

I nod assent but not agreement. I love free play and so do K&W. But I also want them to know long division, what an adverb is, equivalent fractions and be able to spell EXTRAORDINARY, not just be it.

Everything is about balance...