Time for introductions. I've never been afraid of changing direction when life throws new stuff at us so my CV skips about a bit. My career was originally in banking until the London commute and juggling two small children had me re-thinking the decade ahead. With a supportive husband in tow, we downsized and I threw myself into a new project, becoming a secondary teacher which was rewarding and incredible ... and ended up taking up more hours than banking for a fraction of the income.
My ever supportive husband gave me a supportive nudge towards the figures (and the fact that he was a single parent while I marked and planned). Point taken and another change of direction was looming.
I left teaching to support our growing business and my retired parents and the 4 of us began living together. Fast forward 5 years and we have a fantastically rewarding (and exhausting) business, have just dealt with the devastating loss of my father after a sudden aggressive cancer, and there we were looking at whether we were really taking advantage of an exceptionally flexible way of life that we're so lucky to have.
The last piece of the puzzle in our brave new world was the boys. Meet K, 8 years old and wonderful. Careful, clever, thorough .. he's an analytical learner who has to understand the why of everything. 16 months his junior is W, 7 and a delight. Quick, creative, thoughtful... he's an experimental learner who loves to see how things work.
That's us. Thinking outside of the box...