It started tough - the back to school facebook photo frenzy causing ripples of self-doubt, a major not-back-to-school wobble wondering if I'd planned enough and whether I had all my resources in place.
Worries unfounded; it's been a productive, eye-opening week. Here's how it looked.
30 mins of maths.
K then focussed on averages and did some online games while W did 'ou' spellings from his literacy book.
Learnt about cloud types and names with some great Twinkl resources and MET office printouts.
Walked the dog - climbed trees, threw sticks and cloud spotted.
30 mins of maths.
K did prepositions and pronouns while W did apostrophes. Backed up with some Bitesize games.
2 hour specialist parkour class for K while W did Explore Learning.
Sums challenge (quick fire multiplication and division to colour the blocks to reveal a Minecraft picture)
30 mins of maths.
Outing to Crocodile World. We did a school class on habitats; the lovely expert also let the kids hold a python and stroke a baby alligator. Absorbed loads of info on crocodiles, alligators and caiman and met a massive tortoise.
Outward bound day (1 of 2) - archery, climbing, canoeing.
Major wins: meeting some fabulous HE families with kids the same age, I learnt a lot from them. W having a serious wobble about climbing but with a little encouragement from the instructor he pulled it together and kept going. K making a new friend in the first 2 minutes of arriving. Awesome.
After canoeing the instructors let the boys jump into the lake from the jetty. Next week is caving, sailing and bushcraft - we can't wait.
Making a movie with stills and audio in Movie Maker.
Sending an email with an attachment to Daddy - basic email etiquette, proof reading.
30 mins of maths.
Writing a postcard to Ralf in Germany (from Post Crossing) - remembering captial letters and full stops.
Handwriting improvement - workbook, getting those js to sit right!
Introduction to chess.
Confidence class with a behaviour consultant.
K headed to free running to practice back flips while W had some Daddy time.
Rounded out the week snuggled on the sofa for a family movie.