Friday, 16 October 2015

Quiet Reading Time

I'm pleased with myself today. It's like when I discovered that if I store all my various sized tupperware pots with the lids on I can save, cumulatively, 20 or so swear words and about 2 hours of my life every year. Genuis.

I spent all morning rushing pillar to post between the boys - K insisted on being at his desk in the office, W at the kitchen table. There had been bickering so the set up was in all our interests. Except possibly mine.

Anyway, we were doing a spot of literacy with W doing compound words and K working on inference and I was going from one to the other with the beginnings of a stitch. We finished quicker than I was anticipating and had some dead air to fill. In a moment of brilliance I declared it was quiet reading time.

2 minutes, a cuddly toy, some blankets and a pile of books later I had 2 kids happily snuggled up on the sofa.... and I had a whole HOUR. An entire 60 minutes of perfect peace. I made lunch, got some work done and had a cup of tea that I actually drank while it was hot.

Why haven't I done this before?!