Monday, 26 October 2015

Simple Pleasures

Brain ache set in and everyone was grotty. The day was poorly planned, I was juggling too much and the kids detected possible cracks appearing in my no-screens policy which they were trying to widen. Enthusiastically.

When things are going downhill, there is a natural tendency to keep going. By working harder and doing even more I expect to accelerate into a solution. My logic is flawed; it's based on a faulty premise that I'm pointing in the right direction in the first place. So, against all of my instincts, I stopped.

I closed my laptop, put my phone on silent, turned off the hob and looked at the moany faces of my offspring.

"Let's make playdough."

K grumbled that he didn't want to - a position he maintained for about 5 nano seconds, no-one can resist the joy of playdough.

We spent a blissful 2 hours mixing colours, making shapes, moulding and chatting. We've baked our creations and they came out beautifully!

The benefits of pausing.