Sunday, 24 May 2015


It's lovely to think you're unique but equally lovely to know there are other people out there who share your perspective.

I've spent some happy time today exploring the EHE forums. I was a bit ruffled by a theme that run though indicating that there are two reasons families home ed - because regular education can't meet behavioural/SEN needs of the child or because the family have a philosophy which is at odds with formal education.

I began to feel like we were falling through the cracks as we don't sit comfortably in either group.... but happy days! It turns out there is a third group to which we can belong and it even has a label.

We're called Structured Home-Edders. Or on a day when it all goes wrong and we end up walking the dog and making cakes - Semi-Structured Home Edders.

It doesn't make a fun acronym so I'm probably going to reject the label anyway. I could rename it OH-FUC : Other HomeEds - Following Usual Curriculum. But that's not big or clever... (chuckle).

When I can't get a feeling of 'fit' I like to ponder if fit even matters and whether there's a common trait between all the different Home Ed groups. The broad spectrum of home educating families is a strength as everyone can learn from everyone else and there seems to be a common goal shared by all HE families:

Find different ways for our children to learn 

And that is very inspiring.