A fairly flexible week ahead - K is having 2 teeth out, W has an eye appointment, we have a family funeral. So the plan is sketched out but we're ready to adapt if needs be.
After all our lovely adventures we need a dose of rules and routine so although I don't normally plan out the whole week on Sunday evening I did it in one go. So here's how the week looks -
Numeracy - this is W's favourite subject and his number bonds and mental recall are solid so I'm teaching to a high level 3 with a hope he'll get to level 4 in the coming year. For W it's time and fractions. He's struggling with equivalents so I've got some fab resources and quick fire plenary activities to see if we can get him happy with the idea that 1/2 is 4/8 is 6/12 etc etc.
For K it's finishing off algebra and patterns, revision of triangles and polygons and some mental maths drills. K is great at getting the right answer but he's not quick so one of the objectives for this year was to boost his confidence and speed him up!
Literacy. Well K is in his comfort zone here and races through a book a night. I wish it was high brow literature but he loves boy comedy - Captain Valiant, How to Train Your Dragon, Mr Gum... so his vocab and comprehension is a strength.
W finds it more of a struggle. He'll read a fact book but we get 2-4 pages max a day of reading and that needs to increase. Got to try and find some books which give him the joy of reading! He's capable but skips over words he doesn't know; he grasps meaning well overall. Spelling is a bit exhausting - a HomeEd problem - in school he'd just have a go, but at home he gets upset if he doesn't know a word.
This week we're nailing adjectives, nouns, adverbs and verbs - particularly adverbs (time, positional and using multiple adverbs).
We've got Art and Humanities taught off site and we do English and Maths at Explore Learning - more on that later.
We're doing teeth and digestion for science as it seemed topical with K's teeth coming out!
A forest school adventure is planned to the hollow for lunch one day as we went on Sunday but couldn't stay as long as we wanted.
Well teeth went out of the window (not literally, the 2 actual teeth went to wherever the tooth fairy stores them). On a whim, K&W asked to make teddy bears and with the funeral tomorrow I thought it would be a nice activity. We templated, chose felt and buttons, learned two types of stitch and independently sewed and stuffed two very passable little bears..
.. and a hama bead creation from before breakfast!