Wednesday, 20 May 2015

What's in a Name?

We've had a bit of a tough week. It's been a juggle, emotionally and physically, and I'm a bit weary.

On lots of occasions out and about we've been asked about school and I've been upset by the reaction to the answer 'we home school'. Nothing's said but eyebrows lift a fraction and we all know eyebrows are the window to the soul.

In a flash, I see their judgement - the kids are too naughty for school (they're not), you're a hippie (I'm not, well maybe a bit if hippies shop in John Lewis), you're weird (alright you've got me on that one), the children are probably stupid (they're not. Shut up with your eyebrows).

It's sad to do something that provokes at worst a negative reaction and at best, a 'oh my how .... "alternative" ' reaction which is actually possibly worse. Usually followed by a question about whether we spend all day face painting and putting on plays.

Not to be down hearted we're changing our language to circumvent this tricky little problem.

We no longer Home School.

The boys are now Privately Educated.

Take that, eyebrows.