Thursday, 16 July 2015


A chaotic few days as life and work issues throw the entire timetable out. This is the flip side to HE flexibility - not covering what you want to cover and then berating yourself for it.

The phone ringing for the 8th time during maths. The printer running out of magenta ink. Watching a film instead of doing spellings. Internet connectivity issues. A proliferation of Mummy minutes, as in 'I'll be there in a minute' as I frantically empty a cupboard to find dishwasher salt because the stupid machine won't stop beeping at me.

When I say "you've got 5 minutes" the boys ask: "are they real minutes or Mummy minutes?" Over time, we've worked out that one Earth minute is equivalent to 10 Mummy minutes. This is not something I'm proud of.

Weeks like this are wearing, moments when life's treadmill gets up too much speed and you can't do anything other than concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.

Luckily weeks like this pass and if I don't beat myself up too much then I'll emerge next week a bit fitter. Albeit bruised.