Saturday, 18 July 2015

Back in the Game

We saved the week!

Friday was a big pile of awesomeness topped with a cherry of brilliance.

We managed (despite a few internet issues from the preceding rubbish-week) to do our maths first thing and then the boys made their own lunch - that's home ec right there - and we headed out for a swim. Sorry, PE. Which happened to be swimming. Conveniently it's the same pool where K used to have his school lessons so how's that for continuity?

After that we had a bit of a lunch break and then hit literacy with a big Shakespeare-shaped stick. I would say BOOM but I think that's implied.

We read the charmingly accessible Marcia William's version of Twelfth Night. Not to miss an opportunity for a bit of cutting out, we picked out the main characters, made some cute little red hearts and visually tried to keep track of the bard's star-crossed, cross-dressing, love-struck chaos.

W (very much a web-thinker) grasped the story better than K (logical-steps thinker) which is no great surprise but I was chuffed to bits that they both kept up as Shakespeare wrote some great plays but it's probably fair to say that the under 10s weren't his target audience.

There's an outdoor production at a local stately home next Saturday and I'm hoping our bit of background work will make the live production a blast while we picnic on the lawns. Idyllic.*

O, had I but followed the arts! (Twelfth Night 1.3.94)

*Success on Saturday is by no means guaranteed. We have read a very short kids' version of Twelfth Night. The weather may or may not be wet and/or cold and/or windy. The play is authentic - so the boys won't understand most of what is said. It's 2 hours long (see previous note about wet, cold and windy). I'm still willing to give it a go but I am taking a lorry-load of sweets and I'm not promising the boys won't end up playing Angry Birds on my phone.