Out in the woods there's a lovely big hollow which we speculate was a T-rex lair, meteor-impact hole or the result of an aborted attempt to dig to Australia. Whatever its origins, it's now perfect for running/sliding down to the bottom, or scrambling out, or... actually that's about it but remarkably that's good enough for an hour of play.
We headed over the edge of the ridge and straight into a magical fern forest. The evidence that it's magical is circumstantial but with an abracadabra there were some disappearing boys and Bailey the dog made an enthusiastic fern monster for the purposes of our game.
We impaled ourselves on some blackberry thorns and noted their position for a foraging return in the autumn. On the way back we had time for a bit of balancing and tree climbing, plus all of the usual stick-throwing for Bailey. A perfect way to spend an afternoon.
The boys are still bickering, so it's wellies on and out we go. Just as beautiful in the rain!